about me
I’ve had sawdust since I was a kid
Taco lover and enthusiast of the history and traditions of my hometown Oaxaca. architect by profession developer of interior design and furniture.
I have always been passionate from a very young age to draw, read the instructions for the devices, the camera of my dad’s work, and assemble and disassemble electrical devices. my house was always full of wooden furniture that my dad designed with his carpenter. I think my passion for carpentry comes from here, on the one hand, there was my dad and his dream of having a wooden library and books by great writers, and on the other, there was José the carpenter who could see his passion for how he made furniture incredible and his way of working wood.
A little bit of my story
…for my beloved land
When I was a boy I never liked to say that I was born in Oaxaca, but I didn’t like a chihuahua either, I suppose that happens when you grow up in two different places; My mom born in Chihuahua and my dad from Oaxaca de Juárez, we always had many moves between the two cities, in the 90’s Oaxaca was always a land of much political conflict and has been considered a poor state, but the richest in Cultural diversity, flora and fauna, resilience and communality.
My paternal grandfather was a politician and statesman who perhaps was not as well known or famous as everyone is now. The “Fox” canseco as they knew him, was always a correct person and as he said, always with the truth in hand. Of the last memories that I have of him and that remain etched in my mind, it was on the day of the lawyer that he received the medal in the hands of Governor Jose Murat and at the end of his speech he said “if I have done something for Oaxaca, it is because in my mind and my heart always carry the great love that I have for my beloved land ”
What i am doing know?
CNC technology, carpentry and illustrations
For now i am focusing in make more illustration about life, Oaxaca, human body; Taco tours and product design.
But if you have a good idea we can collab.